Human muscular movements are controlled by muscles and the forces of gravity. Muscles are used to hold a position, to raise or lower a body part, to slow down a fast moving segment (arm ,leg) and to generate speed in the human body or to propel an object into the air (football, baseball, javelin). Muscles are capable contracting rapidly and vigorously, but they tire easily and require rest after only brief periods of activity.
Tension developed by the muscles applies compression to the joints enhancing joint stability. However, in some joint positions, the tension generated by the muscles can act to pull the segments apart and create instability.
Muscles are used asymmetrically in most activities in which one side of the body will use a specific set of muscles, and the other side of the body will be using opposite or different muscles. This muscle relationship is true in activities such as golf, bowling, baseball, walking and racquet sports that have nonsymmetrical use of the arms, legs, and trunk. Muscles are used symmetrically in activities such as weight lifting and jumping where both sides of the body are performing the same movement using the same muscles.
Exercise programs for a young healthy population will most likely involve exercises that push the muscular system to high levels of performance. Muscles can exert force to and develop power. For this reason many athletic training programs with the young and healthy are designed to achieve maximum performance. The same principles used for young, active individuals can be scaled down to accommodate persons of limited ability. If we use the elderly as an example, it is apparent that the reduction of physical strength is one of the major factors affecting daily activity.
The loss of strength and efficiency in the muscular system creates a variety of problems ranging from the ability to reach overhead or open a jar lid, difficulty in going up stairs, or getting up out of a chair. Another example is the person who is overweight. They may have difficulty walking any distance because the muscular system cannot generate enough power and the person fatigues easily.
These examples are really no different from the power lifter trying to perform a maximum lift in the squat. In all three cases, the muscular system is being overloaded. The only difference is in the magnitude of the load and the output varying.
The Bodyguard™ shorts provide compression, support, muscle heat circulation, strain distribution and impact absorption. It has an attaching inner surface that allows the material transfer of stored elastic energy directly into the human body. This energy enhances can assist in the normal extension and contraction of muscles and the compressive support helps to absorb, distribute and reduce the loads that injure muscles.
Call your Doctor if:
Be certain to call your doctor if you have if you have questions about your muscular development, or injuries routine and prior to starting an exercise program.
Source: Information for this article was supplied from “Exercise Physiology, Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance”.